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The Inspirational Paradigm challenges Jesuit Business Schools to provide a business education which helps students integrate their moral values into their business practices in a wholistic way which brings about community through meaningful work which emphasizes the dignity of all, and the unity of all in a globalized world. Ideally we hope to help students to find a way to do business in a way which not only does not run counter to their mature spiritual development, but which can enhance their spirituality. Frequently students are taught a fundamentalistically individualistic approach to business, alongside occasional nods to CSR. Here I will argue that a much better model for us to show to our students is the model of Civil Economy (Bruni and Zagmani 2016) and specifically the economy of communion model which provides a way to integrate spirituality into one's way of practicing business, seeing business as a means of transforming culture and society for the good, and utilizing profit margins for the common good in a meaningful and spiritually enriching way which brings about unity and even communion, especially with the poor. This presentation will focus on the writings and thought of Luigino Bruni, Stefano Zagmani, Pope Francis, and essays on Economy of Communion by A.Gustafson and C. Harvey, forthcoming Winter of 2023. It will suggest some case studies and materials which would help Jesuit Business School faculty to introduce the civil economy tradition and the economy of communion entrepreneur model.
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Andy Gustafson, Creighton University
Celeste Harvey, College of St. Mary