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The proposed session will focus on the newly completed case "The Mouths that Eat from Tea" as an example of the evolution of the case study method., as well as an invitation to participants to becomes involved creating their own video case. Regis Professor, MD Kinoti used his family’s history as tea farmers to take a deep dive into the Kenyan tea economy. While this case study would have been compelling in any format, it is especially well suited to video format. Through the cinematography used and the interviews with both tea farmers and those involved in the tea industry, students become invested in the story and conflict in a new and more meaningful way leading to robust classroom discussions. The Mouths that Eat from Tea is a prototype of the type of case suitable for the Global Jesuit Case Series as it not only highlights Jesuit values but also inspires the exploration of creativity alongside rigor. Learning outcomes: At the end of this session program participants will have a better understanding of 1. What types of cases are suitable for video 2. How a video case is uniquely positioned to enhance classroom discussion 3. Why faculty should consider case writing and in particular video cases as a form of scholarship 4. Ways in which, given the lack of a written case, the GJCS ensures that video cases are academically rigorous and “count” as scholarship. 5. Ways in which the GJCS and Regis University are working together to promote the development of future video case studies.
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Ken Sagendorf- Director and Professor The Innovation Center Regis University, Tracy Couto- Director Savage Center for Reflective Leadership, Le Moyne College