Re-conceiving Strategic Planning to Promote the Integral Development of Persons, Organizations, and Societies: Contributions from Ignatian Spirituality

Despite the wide use of strategic planning in business and organizational development, many aspects of it remain contentious to date. This article points out the need for a normative and holistic philosophical foundation to undergird strategic planning theory and practice. It makes a case for Ignatian spirituality as a contributor to this end, and highlights the resonances between Ignatian spirituality and strategic planning. Key tenets of this spirituality that can form the foundation for planning are then discussed, with attention paid to their adaptation for a diverse audience. A reoriented process for planning is also outlined, showing how these tenets can be translated into concrete practice. It will be seen that this not only addresses current issues in strategic planning but also helps business leaders and educators promote the integral development of persons, organizations, and societies. In particular, it will facilitate the implementation of the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education in a way that draws upon the richness of the Ignatian tradition.