The Next Big Thing?: Training Mask at a Crossroads

The Next Big Thing?: Training Mask at a Crossroads is a decision point case facing Training Mask, a company that manufactures training masks for athletes for use in conditioning training. The mask simulates high-altitude breathing conditions and adds value to each workout session. Training Mask has been very successful in reaching well-known and serious athletes. Now the time has come to decide the future of the company. Casey Danford must decide whether he should: 1. remain in his present status and mainly market to hardcore athletes, 2. expand his market by including the “weekend warriors” who are less serious but do exercise, and/or 3. enter the medical device field with the Training Mask. Each of these three alternatives has advantages and disadvantages.
- Analyze a current situation facing an entrepreneur
- Evaluate several target markets from which an entrepreneur may choose
Recommend a course of action for the decision-maker