Carnival Cruise Lines: Wreck of the Costa Concordia

North America
Strategy & General Management
14 pages
crisis management
Public Relations
public relations disaster
Copyright Holder
Notre Dame
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
On Friday, January 13, 2012, around 9:40 p.m. local time, the Costa Concordia, a luxury cruise ship carrying 4,200 passengers, punctured its hull off the coast of Italy. What followed the collision was a chaotic evacuation, irresponsible actions from the ship’s captain, and a lack of communication from the parent company, Carnival, all leading to a public relations disaster.
Learning Outcomes
- To emphasize the effect that a corporate and subsidiary structure can have on the company’s ability to communicate during a crisis.
- To stimulate discussion of the direct and indirect costs of a crisis as well as the indirect costs of the crisis itself and the company’s management of the crisis.
- To encourage consideration of the effects of one company’s problems on the industry as a whole.