The Boeing Company: Take Off Delays for the 787 Dreamliner

North America
Strategy & General Management
13 pages
Global Business
healthy communications
modern innovation
production delays
corporate communication
Copyright Holder
Notre Dame
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
This case will examine the complex challenges of a firm in the world of global business which must maintain healthy communications with customers, investors, and suppliers. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is by most accounts a success story of modern innovation, yet its production delays present a unique challenge for a corporate communication officer.
Learning Outcomes
- To illustrate the complexity of modern corporate communications in a global business environment;
- To provide an example of how a company must establish positive and reciprocal communications with its suppliers and subcontractors;
- To encourage discussion of how to maintain investor confidence in the wake of a business setback;
- To illustrate the difficult position companies enter when they release misleading or inaccurate information to the public;
- To facilitate a discussion of how effective communication is increasingly essential as businesses operate worldwide.