Journal of Jesuit Business Education VOLUME 4

Asia - Pacific
Latin & South America
North America
Ethics & Social Justice
127 pages
Copyright Holder
Colleagues in Jesuit Business Association
Student Price
Target Audience
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
The Journal of Jesuit Business Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE). The journal is dedicated to the distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on the distinctiveness of business education in the Jesuit tradition.
Table of Contents
The Uniqueness of a Jesuit Business Education: Sabbath and Charism, John C. Haughey, S.J.
Four Themes of Jesuit Business Education, Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.
Professional Reflection: The Alignment of Ignatian Pedagogy Principles with Jesuit Business School Education and Business Practices, Richard F. Callahan
A Leadership Education Model for Jesuit Business Schools, David C. McCallum, S.J. and Laura Horian
Assessing Entrepreneurship Curriculum in Jesuit Higher Education: Step One in Developing a Brand Identity, Tina M. Facca, Jacqueline Schmidt, and John C. Soper
A Call for Mandatory Diversity Education at Jesuit Business Schools, Molly B. Pepper and Raymond F. Reyes
Educating Responsible Leaders Through Adding a Sustainability Dimension to Business Courses, Anne H. Reilly
Finding God (Good) in Everything, Inculturation and Teaching Business Ethics in a Jesuit Business School, Brian K. Steverson