Dell Inc.: Managing Reputation in the Blogosphere

North America
Strategy & General Management
9 pages
Customer Service
open letter
emerging technological platforms
communicate information
Copyright Holder
Notre Dame
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
After deeming Dell’s customer service unsatisfactory, Jeff Jarvis, a well-known blogger, posted an extremely critical open letter to the company’s CEO. Within a matter of days, Dell had a full-blown crisis on its hands and was forced to reconsider how to deal with emerging technological platforms used by customers to communicate information and opinions.
Learning Outcomes
- To highlight the power and influence of emerging communication platforms;
- To illustrate how such platforms give individual customers a very powerful voice;
- To encourage analysis of how emerging communication platforms can be utilized to damage or enhance corporate reputation (from both corporate and consumer perspectives);
- To provide an example of a company forced to respond to the changing environment of consumer feedback.